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    Tuesday, October 11, 2005


    I've only ever been spelunking (exploring caves) once. I mean the real thing.

    Dark caves that lead under mountains..where you crawl on your belly and put your torch off...just for fun.

    I am fascinated by the look and feel of caves. The dank smells and dripping water, the way the water sparkles on the mountain stone and the little creatures that live in the dark.

    Capegirl loves caves.

    Here's a view of the Cango Caves in Outdshoorn, South Africa. Check out the stunning stalactites and stalagmites!

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    At 11:45 PM, Blogger sarah said...

    as long as they're BIG like that, i don't mind them.. but none of that crawling on belly stuff for me..

    i'm claustorphobic.

    there are the oregon caves in the south east of this state. they are lava tubes. my boyfriend joshua REALLY likes them. i went in them a few years back but.. didn't go all the way i could because.. the ceiling started getting closer to my head and i started.. freakin out.

    At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well it's quite common to feel that way in a cave, I think, for many people. The cango caves is really huge and lit up and that's ok for most people but yeah I have some trouble in confined spaces to...but only man-made ones!

    At 3:16 AM, Blogger {illyria} said...

    i'm kind of claustrophobic but i think i could do this without screaming if i put my mind to it. amazing pics, btw.


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